28 MAR 2012 by ideonexus
Prejudice of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA)
Our Sunday mornings began with the smell of a big breakfast. Our traditional Sunday “worship” took place in our kitchen. We worshiped each other and thanked the adult income-makers for providing us all with good food, a roof over our heads, and all the comforts we never took for granted. Sunday breakfast was a time for planning the upcoming week (we all brought our calendars to the table), discussing the events of the past week, distributing allowances, enjoying good food, and a lot of jo...Folksonomies: atheism discrimination
Folksonomies: atheism discrimination
Story of a child being subject to heartbreaking discrimination for being an atheist.
04 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
Carl Sagan on the Belief in God
I think it's impossible to be a scientist and to confront, even occassionally, the grandure, subtlety, elegance and magnificience of the universe without feeling a sense of reverence and awe, but that's very different from concluding that there's a god who issues punishments and rewards after your dead or that prayer works or that the bible is written by anybody but fallible human beings.
The word god is used to cover so many different points of view... First of all, you can be religi...A very political commentary on the subject. Beautiful rhetorically.